Saturday, November 13, 2010

Why Am I Creating This Blog and What For?

Actually, there is a long history but I will say in short. First of all, I have to tell you that I AM THAI NEUA. I was born and grew up from a Thai Neua family. Since I was a child I was not interested in who I am.
I spent my life with my warm family, learned and absorbed a lots of things about Thai Neua without knowing it until I was a novice and lived in the temple for 10 years. I had a chance to think more about it.
However, I am really interested in this subject since I studied further on development studies in  Geneva, switzerland. Most importantly, my father also inspires me. He always discussed about Thai Neua, my ethnic, culture, Ying (traditional song), etc. He also try to learn to read Thai Neua character.
I tried to ask him lots of things and he could answer some of my question. At the same time, I tried to search information from the libary and internet but it is rare. The more I ask questions and the more I search. I am curious to know it more and more.
Especially, these days, Thai Neua new generation make me very sad.  Some of them even don't know and don't care who they are. On top of that, at the same time, old generation  who could tell the Thai Neua history or provide the information passed away one by one. Let imagine what will happend in the future!
Yes, Thai Neua will only have the name on the book. Thai Neua new generation could not tell their children and other proudly who they are exactly. This is one of  world tragedies!
Therefore this blog is a stage or source to provide the related information to every one and encourage every one or 'Thai Neua' around the world participate in this blog to record 'Thai Neua' in the world history and keep it forever!


  1. Good luck, I just found out I was lue.

  2. Thanks for reading. On the other days, someone told me that there are similar ethnic groups for instance Tai Neua and Leu... Culture and traditional are similar, except the language and accent. They might have something behind. I am still searching for the information. Who know about this please tell me? It would be great to know it....
