Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Difference Between Tai Neua and Tai Leu

Often other ethnic groups who don’t know deeply about Tai Neua are confused, especially foreigners.  They are confused who is Tai Neua and who is Tai Leu, what is difference between Tai Neua and Tai Leu.
On top of that, some of people think that Tai Neua is Leu and they even don’t think there is Tai Neua in this world. Therefore, you can identify similarity and difference as follow:
·         Came from China
·         Looks similar
·         Believe in Buddhism- Theravadee
·         Have similar occupation- Farmer
·         Gardening
·         Speak different language
·         Different accent and sound
·         Culture is a little different
·         Traditional clothes are different
·         Have different funeral
·         Food
These days, both Tai Neua and Tai Leu look very similar because of wearing modern clothes. However, language is still a main thing that can obviously identify between Tai Neua and Tai Leu.

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