Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Education And Tai Neua

You might ask how was education of Tai Neua people in the past and how different it is from these days. This will provide you the answer after you have gone through this.

Education of Tai Neua people might be divided into two periods—education of Tai Neua in the past and education of Tai Neua at present.

Education of  Thaineua in the past
1# study with family
Tai Neua is like other ethnic groups. Family will be the first place that educated their children.  Fathers will teach their son whatever they skilled and similarly mothers will teach their daughter whatever they skilled depending on the family. If thier father is a farmer, they willtrain their son to become a farmer as them for instance. 
Most importantly, most of family likes to set up a future goal for their children such as they wish their children becoming a teacher, they will influent their children to choose it for instance. Unfortunately, some parents force their children to study what they like. Therefore, some of children don’t have any choice to choose what they like.
2# study with elders
There is another way of thier study. That is learning from elders. Most of elders mentioned here are from the temple. People called them ‘ Naan or Khanaan’  This only called a person who used to be s a month and then left the temple.
Those people will be knowledgeable on culture, traditional, religions and philosophy including fortunetelling.
3# study from temples  
Tai Neua believes that every boy should become a novice. This will be a best thing to make merit for their mother and similarly becoming a monk will be for their father.
Therefore, most of Tai Neua boy will be influenced by their parents or family and become a novice or a month. While being in the temple, they will have a chance to learn or study on traditional, culture, literature, religion, philosophy, etc. This practice remains these days.
4# study from schools
In the past, Tai Neua boy didn’t have a chance to study from school because of War II,  and there was also not many schools.
During the War, they have to move from a place to another place in order to escape from the War. There was no time to study. Educational system was not good. People could not access to it. Highest education was only high school. On top of that, study was only for the rich. Therefore there were not many people literate.

Education of Tai Neua in these days
These days, study with family, elders, and temples are rare. Most of Tai Neua people go to school and learn from teachers at schools and universities. There are lots of Tai Neua people have high education from bachelor degree, master degree until doctors.

On the other hands, there are not lots of people being interested in what elders told and taught. This makes Tai Neua tradition and culture including wisdom new generation know less and less.  On top of that, some of Tai Neua traditional and culture dispeared. 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I still remember all of these in the past. These backgrounds are part of my of educational experiences. At that time, I had studied up to "mor 5" only, but hahaha I felt so proud about myself always. All of the memories during these time were amazing - nothing can be comparing to them I would say...
