Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tai Neua In USA

Have you heard about Tai Neua in USA? Have you heard about Tai Neua-American?  
In August 6-21, 2011, I had a good opportunity to visit my relatives in USA. I spent time with my relative there for 2 weeks. I stayed at the house of my mother’s sister and brother and also with my grandparents.

In August, it is a season called spring. The environment is hot and humid as Laos, especially in WC, New York and Chicago.
There are lots of green trees in this season. Some days are hot and some days are a little bit cold and sometimes it rains.
The environment, especially in Rockford, Illinoi is calm. There are not lots of houses and cars. There are lots of lands and spaces.
Looking at houses, especially buildings in the city are old.
Life of Tai Neua People In USA
Life of Tai Neua in USA is different from Laos. They are more private than Tai Neua in Laos.
Looking at outside, all of Tai Neua people in USA seem to be comfortable and happy. They all have a nice house and fancy car. They don’t need to walk.
In addition, they have lots of comfortable things inside their house like washing machine, TV, Video, etc. for using.
However, they are busy. Their life relies on their job. Some of them work at the day time and some work at night. Some don’t even have time for their family and their children.
Without a job, their life faces a lot of difficulties such as no money for living and pay tax, especially pay for medical care which is very expensive. In USA, buying every things are deducted for tax.
They only have free time on the weekend which they will stay at home or have a small party at some of friend’s house.

Friendship And Love

One good thing I was impressive at is all of Tai Neua people seem to have  good solidarity and love each other.

What Language They Speak
Most of adults or elders in USA are still speaking Tai Neua language when they communicate with each other including some of Tai Neua young people.
However, some of Tai Neua young people only speak English and sometimes they speak mixed between English and Tai Neua.
Especially children don’t speak Tai Neua at all. Moreover some of them don’t even understand Tai Neua language.

Tai Neua Meals In USA
Most of them still have rice and Tai Neua dishes, especially elders or adult. But children or young people have American food like MC for instance.

Tai Neua Family in USA
Most of new families have only two children. Some have a boy and a girl and some have both boys and girls.

Tai Neua in USA has high education. The family encourages their son or daughter getting high education as high as possible. There are some of them getting Master degree and have a great job as well.

Tai Neua Culture In USA
Most of them still believe in Buddhism. They have Buddhist temple as a place to make merit and perform Buddhist ceremony including Tradition and Culture like Buddhist lent, Khao Wa Sa for instance.
In addition, they still respect Ancestors and make merit for them as belief and make Baci-ceremony for instance.

What You Think!
Many people said that life in USA is very comfortable and happy but wait a minute! I agree with that but not all of them. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we Tai Neua in America encourage our children to attend school and get as high of education as possible as I think Tai Neua in Laos as well have has many just graduated from their BA or BS. Hopefully some of them would continue on for higher educations.

    Presently many of our children have higher degree than Master. We have 4 that has Doctorate degrees and many Master degrees.

    And most if not all of our Tai Neua children in America has at least Bachelor degree.

    I have two sons, one has Medical Doctorate Degree and another one has Judicial Doctorate Degree.

    We thank you for mentioning all these accomplishments to our young Tai Neua and to encourage them all to aim for higher educations.
