Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Khaen (Tai Neua Martial Art)

Tai Neua is like other ethnic groups. They have a martial art called ‘Jerng’.If you have joined  some of Tai Neua festival like Wone Than Tham for instance, often you will see Tai Neua people performing Jerng dance.
Jerng is a type of martial arts in the world which uses for fighting and self-defend. In fact, Jerng means fighting strategy.
Jerng will perform by using hands such as fist, palm, elbow, fingers, etc to punch, hit, chop, etc. and using legs such as toes, soles, knees, etc. to kick, push, etc.
There are many types of Jerng. Some of them perform by using nothing ‘empty hand’. Some use  other arms like sword for instance.
To be able to perform Jerng, it needs to learn or practice with ‘Aachaan’ (master) or Guru for a year, a couple of year, a few years or longer. It depends on talent of person.
Learning Jerng, it needs to prepare ‘Khan’ or called ‘Tang Khan’ for masters which will have a standard for preparation what it should be included for example money and sometimes there will be also a holly ceremony related to first time.
Moreover, learning Jerng, sometimes there will be spell and tattoo concern like a person who learns Jerng need to learn spell or have tattoo for strong power- nobody can shop for instance.
In addition, sometimes a person who practices Jerng need to follow a rule such as shall not eat some types of meat in their life like dog meat for instance.
Do you know Jerng? What do you know about this? Could you share with other?

Leek (Tai Neua Literature)

If you are Tai Neua or you live in Tai Neua community, you will see that Tai Neua when they have some traditional ceremonies. They will read 'Leek'.

Leek is a book which recorded a story related to Buddism, Tai Neua belief, and tradition and culture including  folktals. It is written by using Tai Neua manuscript called 'Dto Leek'.

Leek is recorded by using papers which made from one type of tree called ' Sa' and used black ink which made from animal bile mixing with smoke.

Actually Leek can have  more than 5- 10 pages depending on the story and can also have many pages like a bible.  

Reading Leek, not only needs a person who can read and understand 'Dto Leek' but also needs someone who know the tone of Leek or a rythme as well.

This kind of book will be read whenever there is a Tai Neua ceremony such as make merit to death people... for instance.

Conclusion is Leek is a Tai Neua literature which is recorded by using Dto Leek and including some of Tai Neua belief, tradition and culture.

What do you know about Leek? Could you share it?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Difference Between Tai Neua and Lao languages

Tai Neua  language is easy to learn.  If we compare Tai Neua language with Lao language, we will obviously see the difference between Tai Neua  and Lao language and make more easily understand.

If you live in the Tai Neua community, you have a chance to listen to Tai Neua people when they speak to each other, you might notice that Tai Neua will use:
·         ‘L’ instead of ‘D’  e.g.
Kwouy Dam (black buffalo) -  Khaay Lam,
Chai Dam (unkindness) -Chai Lam, etc.

·         Uses ‘W’ instead of ‘B’ e.g.
 Boun Bang Fai (rocket festival) -Wone Wang Fai,
 Boun Mee  -Wone Mee, etc.

·         ‘Ch’ instead of ‘K’ e.g.
        Kin Khao (eat  rice)-Chin Khao,

·         ‘K’ instead of ‘P’ and ‘Kh’ e.g.
Pai Lin - Kaa Layne,
 Khone Dee -Kone Dee

·         ‘Sang ’ instead of ‘Yang’ e.g.
Bor Pen Yang – Mao Pen Sang
 Chao Hed Yang- Meai Hed Sang!

·         ‘Kha’, ‘Tu Kha’ (I, we)  instead of ‘Khoi’, ‘Phouak Khoi’  e.g.
Khoi Khao Chai - Kha Khao Chai,
 Phouak Khoi Pen Nak Hen- Tukha Pen Naak Hen.

·         Use ‘Ayne’ instead of ‘IN’ , ‘Aak’ instead of  ‘Uk’,  ‘Eng’ instead of ‘Ieng’, ‘Euang’ instead of ‘erng’, e.g.
Lin Nam Kan – Layne Chom Kan
Tuk Nam – Taak Num
Sieng Fa Hong – Seng  Fa Hong
Meuang  Savan- Merng Savan

This can be considered as a clue or SECRET OF TAI NEUA LANGUAGE for who learn to speak Tai Neua. In other words, the more you pay attention to those above mentioned, the correct, you are when you speak Tai Neua.
What do you think? Do you know any clue how to speak Tai Neua? Could you share with others?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Tai Neua Tattoo

Tattoo was used to be considered as a fashion in the past of Tai Neua society.

When I was a child, sometimes I saw some elders having tattoo on their entire body. I saw it when they naked and took a bath.
Some of them had tattoo on their body such as arms, legs, chest, even their head. I wondered why they had it.
However, I still remember some of tattoos looked like an art or some of them were scripts (To Tham).
In fact, I also have tattoo. But it is only small tattoo on my leg.  I’ve got tattoo since I was a novice.
At that time, there was no modern equipment like these days. They used pins and bamboo (making like jobstick) and tied them together and put in the black ink and stuck on the skin.It was every paintful.

I wondered why they are able to get tattoo their entire body. But some told me that before that they smoke a lot of opium utill they did not feel painful. That's why some of elders in the past addicted opium and could not stop it.
You might ask me why I did. Because some months said if you had some tattoos, you would have a power which it is able to protect you from guns and swords for instance. Yes, I did that because I wanted a power.
However, when I grew up, I had a chance to learn and get more information and I understood why they had tattoo.
They told me the truth that some of them had tattoos because of girls. If they didn’t have tattoo at that time, they would say ‘Khouay Don’ (white buffalo which is an expression that you are weak). Therefore, men have to have tattoo.
And as said earlier, some have tattoo because they wanted a power. Those types of people are likely solders, fighters for instance.
To sum up, in the past, Tai Neua elders had tattoo because of beauty; and moreover they wanted to get more power.
So what do you know about Tai Neua Tattoo?