Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Leek (Tai Neua Literature)

If you are Tai Neua or you live in Tai Neua community, you will see that Tai Neua when they have some traditional ceremonies. They will read 'Leek'.

Leek is a book which recorded a story related to Buddism, Tai Neua belief, and tradition and culture including  folktals. It is written by using Tai Neua manuscript called 'Dto Leek'.

Leek is recorded by using papers which made from one type of tree called ' Sa' and used black ink which made from animal bile mixing with smoke.

Actually Leek can have  more than 5- 10 pages depending on the story and can also have many pages like a bible.  

Reading Leek, not only needs a person who can read and understand 'Dto Leek' but also needs someone who know the tone of Leek or a rythme as well.

This kind of book will be read whenever there is a Tai Neua ceremony such as make merit to death people... for instance.

Conclusion is Leek is a Tai Neua literature which is recorded by using Dto Leek and including some of Tai Neua belief, tradition and culture.

What do you know about Leek? Could you share it?


  1. The following site is Tai Neua in China " Tai De Hong "

    Take a look at it and see what you think.

  2. New Year ( water festival ) Tai Neua in Muang Mao, China.

  3. Great! Thank you for sharing! Everyone can search it...
