Friday, April 1, 2011


Who is ‘Tai Neua’? The answer to this question is kind of mysterious. Lots of website from the internet talked about it but it seems to be limited and inadequate.
This blog will provide you ‘Thai Neua’ related information. Some of them may be from media, a study, literatures, articles, verbal, etc.  And it would be updated from time to time. Most importantly, this can be a room for sharing your thought and please kindly write to me what you know about 'Tai Neua' .

You will see other topic on the left hand side. You can read any of them as you want. 

If this blog or any subjects presented are useful for you, your work  and can contribute to create a good thing for this world, I would like to dedicate that to all of you who contribute to this blog.

I won’t talk much to waste your time. The further discussion we can talk via my personal email: I’ll be happy to see you there.  

Have a nice day and ENJOY SEARCHING THIS BLOG!


  1. I have to go to postal office to re-establish my mail delivery. Since there was no one pick up my mail more than 10 days, the post office had sent every piece of my mail back to the senders.

    I just found out yesterday, ha ha ha...

    I think next time when I go away for a long time, I would have to do the stop myself so I don't get confuse by thinking some one is picking up my mails.......

  2. Phon,
    If you get a chance, please check out this site from NIU.

    I can actually read those Leek characters.

  3. Thank you for your information. I won't miss it.

    In fact, I think there are one main source of Tai Neua information. That is us as Tai Neua, we have a lot of things inside our memory which we should write and tell others. Otherwise, it will dispear one day... and we don't know who we are.... let's imagine at that time what will happend...!

  4. Happy Mothers Day ! For all the mothers in the world...

  5. Hello Every Body !

    Please leave some comments, if you're visiting this site.

  6. Ngan taeng ngan khong Luexay & Khongkham dai parn ponh pai yang me labieb lae muanseun sanuk sananh.

    Mee pinong ma tae tangrat lai lai kon ma huam num ngan nee..

  7. Nice to hear that... but sorry that I did not have a chance to join him...
