Monday, January 30, 2012

Jay Jatar Tai Neua (Tai Neua's Birth Record)

Everyone has their birth record after being born. But do you know the way to do the birth record is different? Tai Neua has their way to do the birth record as well. What are different?

Tai Neua, after the baby was born, the father, or relatives will go to the elders who know traditions and cultures including astrology to do a birth record for their baby.

The elder will do the birth record for the baby based on astrology or the tradition way such as Chai, Pao, Yee, Mao, Sii, Sai, Sagna, Met, Sun, Lao, Set, Kai which those are animal, Lao = Kai or cock for instance.

The most important thing is the record will be written on a white cloth which is as wide as palms or hands with the Tham  alphabets, and used black and it would not be recorded by using normal calendars.

The content of birth record will indicate Name of babay, Birth day (Date, month, year), Time including what the baby relies on.

The birth record would be kept well with parents and whenever the parents do some important ceremonies for the  baby, they will use the record to predict.

So do you know about Tai Neua birth record? If so, it is different? What do you know about it? Could you share with others?